Saturday, 13 February 2021 03:34

Hair Color, Change with the Seasons? or What is Trending?

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IMG 20200905 131644286Similar to how a person changes their wardrobe to suit the season, hair color and styles are also changed, sometimes as a matter of preferences and sometimes for a purpose.   When it comes to hair color, preference and mood, do play a part. But does the time of year also play a part?

I am authoring this article from the perspective of a professional hair colorist and stylist in the Chicago area, who possesses many years of experience specific to hair coloring. 

Hair Color, Change is in the "Summer Winds"

Hair Color Impacted by Sun UV RaysBefore expanding on an individuals hair color preference, which 100% of the time just that, a matter of "personal preference". Let us examine if there is a scientific reason for coordinating hair color "changes" with the seasons.  In short the answer is yes. However, the answer is more matter of maintaining or adjusting your hair color,  rather than "changing" hair color.  The fact is that your hair must balanced seasonally to bring your hair color in sync with a few variables which are the result of environmental changes presented by seasonal changes.

As a professional hair colorist, I can tell you from the perspective of basic hair maintenance, hair color can be impacted by the seasons weather. Mostly by the sun, whereas the spring and summer provide more or less sun. The UV rays from the sun, and also chlorine from pools (which are much more frequented in the summer) will bleach hair color to lighter tones.  Do not overlook the fact that the sun (or lack there of) will also change the tome of a persons skin.  A professional hair colorist will always use a clients face and skin tone as part of the canvas on which they will perform their art.  Therefore, as a persons skin tone changes, so might the tones in ones hair color. Perhaps the design to match, or contrast. In the end, your client's preference will always work its way into the equation.

Lighter Hair Color in the Spring, Darker Tones in the Fall and Winter

Not all women subscribe to this theory of lighter hair color and tones in the spring and summer, and darker warmer hair color and tones in the fall and winter.  However, I in my professional career I still see this philosophy in action. It is a hair color philosophy handed down by our Mothers, Grandmothers and from all women for centuries. Perhaps it is a result of preference to warm the cold months with darker colors, or lighten with cooler tones within warmer seasons such as Spring and Summer.  For fall and winter months many darker haired clients request warm brown tones like golden brown, coppery gold and/or chestnut.  For my blonde clients I subtly incorporate some golden blonde or coppery red steaks to darken the overall tone.

When it comes to Hair Color, There are no Rules

As a professional hire colorist based in Chicago, I find that hair colors and styles today are driven more by what is popular on social media and what is trending within various urban cultures.  Many of my clients bring in photos of musicians, celebrities, or even just some person they are following on social media. They do not care what month it is, or what the weather is like out side.  They just want to look and feel cool!  This is where it is good to know a professional is standing by to assist you in achieving this cool new image of yourself.

Considering Drastic or Subtle Hair Color Changes?

If you are considering a totally new look, a professional hair colorist might advise you to base your new hair color on your current attributes, specifically skin tone/complexion, eye color and current hair color (only because this may impact your proposed hair color formula).

Some of my clients don't often change their hair color or style. Those type of clients might ask for a subtle changes in color.  While others drastically change their hair color Just like autumn leafs change with the seasons.  In either case, if you are seeking to maintain a hair color or implement a drastic change in hair color, I would definitely consult a professional colorist before moving forward with a box hair color.  I can tell you that I have performed many color rescue operations because a client thought they could manage their "not-so-basic" hair color maintenance, or drastic color change.

Read 1776 times Last modified on Saturday, 13 February 2021 19:15